Phillips & Nemajovsky, P.C. Attorneys at Law

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(229) 808-8180

Phillips & Nemajovsky, P.C. Attorneys at Law

Your Seasoned Thomasville, GA Slip And Fall Law Firm

Injured in a slip and fall accident? Understand the pitfalls you should avoid when filing your claim for compensation. 

Slip and fall accidents can be a murky area when seeking claims, especially when you don’t understand the legal policies surrounding them. If you’ve been severely injured, you have to juggle between recovering from your injuries and the toll order of filing a claim. 

But this doesn’t have to be your predicament. At Phillips & Nemajovsky, P.C. Attorneys at Law, we can help you manage the legal side of things, allowing you to focus on healing and recovery. We have over 15 years of experience helping residents of Thomasville, GA, successfully make slip-and-fall claims, and we can help you, too. 

As your slip-and-fall lawyer, we provide you with the full range of legal services, from the initial consultation to the settlement. The best part about working with us is that we only get paid when we secure a recovery for you. 

Call For A Consultation | (229) 808-8180

What Are The Legal Principles Of Slip And Fall?

Phillips & Nemajovsky, P.C. Attorneys at Law | Thomasville, GA Slip And Fall Lawyers

When it comes to slip-and-fall claims, there are different legal principles that should be understood to ensure your claim is successful and that you hole the right person accountable. 

  • Duty of care:
    The first principle is the duty of care owed by the owners or occupiers to visitors and other people entering the property. The responsibilities may vary, but overall, the owners or occupiers must maintain a hazard-free and safe environment. Otherwise, they could be liable for slip-and-fall cases. 
  • Types of visitors:
    It’s also essential to understand the type of visitor you are. The duty of care owed varies depending on the type of visitor you are. There are typically three categories of visitors: 
  1. Invitee: Invitees are persons that enter the property for business reasons including the employees. These are owed the highest duty of care.
  2. Licensee: Friends or family or anyone that comes into the building for reasons that are not business related are classified as licensees. They are not owed the same level of duty of care as invitees.
  3. Trespasser: People or a person that enters the property without a legal reason or the knowledge of the property owners.

As your slip-and-fall liability lawyers, it’s our duty to ensure you understand these principles and others that could affect the outcome of your claim. We take time to take you through the different legal principles in Thomasville, GA and your options. 

What Are The Factors That Determine Liability?

Liability is one of the most important things to determine in a slip-and-fall claim. This underlines whether your claim will be successful. As your slip and fall injury compensation lawyer, we consider various factors to determine liability, such as: 

  • Foreseeability:
    It should be determined whether the owner or the occupier of the property could reasonably predict the accident as a result of the current condition of the property. 
  • Notice:
    It’s also essential to determine whether the property owners were aware of the situation that caused the incident in their property. 
  • Reasonable care:
    We also try to determine if the owner tried to rectify the issue by placing warnings and removing hazards about the danger or hazards on-site. 

During the discovery stage, we try to determine liability and assess the above-mentioned factors to give your claim the best possible chance of success. 

Call For A Consultation | (229) 808-8180

What Are The Common Pitfalls In Slip And Fall Claims?

Phillips & Nemajovsky, P.C. Attorneys at Law | Thomasville, GA Slip And Fall Lawyers

A slip-and-fall injury claim can be riddled with many pitfalls, primarily when the process is handled by an inexperienced person. Some of these pitfalls can be detrimental to the case and sometimes impossible to come back from. These pitfalls include: 

  • Taking long to report the incident to the property owners or occupiers. You should try to report the incident within the shortest time possible. 
  • Failure to seek medical attention within a reasonable time. 
  • Lack of evidence such as accident reports, names of employees you reported the incident to, and accident reports to support the facts in your case. 
  • Trying to communicate with insurance adjusters without having a slip-and-fall lawyer near me. 

Start Working On Your Claim Today!

Phillips & Nemajovsky, P.C. Attorneys At Law, Thomasville, GA, do the legal heavy lifting. 

Various aspects of slip and fall injury claims are time-sensitive, and the sooner you contact a qualified and experienced lawyer, the sooner you can get started and beat the timelines. With our experience in slip and fall claims in Thomasville, GA, we can help you understand what you need to file a claim for your injuries and the supporting documents you need for your case. 

If you’ve sustained injuries in a slip-and-fall, call us today at (229) 808-8180 for a free consultation, analysis of your case, and advice on the best next steps. The sooner you start, the better!

Call For A Consultation | (229) 808-8180
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