Phillips & Nemajovsky, P.C. Attorneys at Law

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Phillips & Nemajovsky, P.C. Attorneys at Law

Slip And Fall Injury Lawyer Serving Cordele And Crisp County

Have you been injured in a fall on someone else’s property in Cordele or Crisp County, Georgia? - Contact slip and fall injury lawyers Phillips & Nemajovsky, P.C. Attorneys at Law

One moment, you can be browsing goods in the store; the next, flat on your back, praying that nothing is broken because you know you do not have the means to pay for it. Unfortunately, such slip-and-fall accidents happen every day, and while many will leave you uninjured, not everyone can be so lucky.

Fall injuries can be quite serious, ranging from broken bones to traumatic head injuries, and tend to be more severe the older we are. Even a mild concussion can have dramatic effects, and many injuries can seriously impact your quality of life or make it difficult to go back to work. This can be a disaster for many families in Crisp County and should never be taken lightly.

Fortunately for injury and fall victims in Cordele and throughout the south of Georgia, premises liability and personal injury lawyers Mark Phillips and Alex Nemajovsky can fight to ensure you get fair compensation for those injuries and other other harms, including time lost from work and any loss in quality of life!

Who Is Eligible For Compensation After A Slip And Fall Injury In Cordele?

If you trip on your stairs because your child left a toy out on the landing, there is nothing much a lawyer can do for you, unfortunately. Because it happened in your own home, and the fault was no one else’s, there is no liability to sue someone for compensation.

For a slip and fall injury claim to be valid,

  • You must have fallen on someone else’s property (preferably a business or individual with enough wealth or insurance to cover your costs)
  • The fall must have resulted in the injuries you are seeking compensation for (and yes, we may have to prove this connection, which is why speaking to a doctor after your injury is essential)
  • The trip or slip that resulted in your fall and injury must have been caused by the negligence or recklessness of the property owner.

This last point is often the most contentious and hard to prove in slip and fall cases, in Cordele or anywhere. You will have to demonstrate that the danger that caused you to fall is something the owner of the business or property knew about and left unfixed or should have known about it and did nothing to prevent.

The difficulty of proving negligence so is one reason why you want and need an attorney on your side when seeking compensation after a fall in Cordele, ensuring you get full and fair compensation is the other.

Call For A Consultation | (229) 808-8180

What Can A Lawyer Help You Get Compensation For After A Slip And Fall Injury?

Slip And Fall Injury Lawyer Serving Cordele And Crisp County

We opened this article by talking about how scary a fall can be, worried about what might be injured and how much it will cost. These are understandable fears, and they might not get any easier with a trip to the hospital or doctor.

Nevertheless, you must get checked out as soon as possible after your fall. Having the doctor’s assessment of your injuries can be indispensable to proving that the fall caused them and, of course, improves your chance of a full recovery, both medically and financially. In theory, any harm we can prove came from your injury can be included in your slip and fall injury claim, which, as any lawyer will tell you, is not limited to the medical costs.

  • Medical Bills And Costs

Medical bills do have a way of piling up after a fall, especially if you are not quite as young as you used to be. Visits to the hospital in Cordele do not come cheap, and fortunately, you can claim compensation for those costs, including the ambulance, medication, surgeries, treatment, physical therapy, and diagnostic tests.

  • Lost wages And Other Specific Damages

Time in the hospital often means time not spent at work, and few enough families in Cordele can comfortably afford to lose even just a few days of income, much less a week, month, or more. Fortunately, you can also claim compensation for lost income, as well as other losses you can measure in dollars, such as being unable to do chores around the house.

  • Pain, Suffering, And Other General Damages

Not every loss caused by a fall injury can easily be measured in dollars, however. How do you put a value on pain? Emotional suffering? Trauma? Well, personal injury and premises liability lawyers like Phillips & Nemajovsky, P.C. Attorneys at Law have decades of experience doing just that. By drawing on experience and calling on experts, any loss in your quality of life can be assessed, estimated and included in the injury claim so that you can get compensation for that, too.

Call For A Consultation | (229) 808-8180

Injured In A Fall In Cordele? Call A Slip And Fall Injury Lawyer Near You

Slip And Fall Injury Lawyer Serving Cordele And Crisp County

Phillips & Nemajovsky, P.C. Attorneys at Law | Lawyers proudly serving slip and fall accident injury victims in Cordele, Crisp County, and throughout Southern Georgia.

If you, or someone you love, have been injured in such a fall in Cordele, do not wait to contact one of our slip-and-fall injury claim lawyers.

Every moment you wait is another for the property owner to get rid of crucial evidence or for their insurance to claim later your injuries were caused by some other incident.

Do not let either of them get away with reducing the amount of compensation you can get. Ensure you have your costs and losses fully covered by calling our office today at (229) 808-8180 or setting up a consultation online.

Call For A Consultation | (229) 808-8180
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