Phillips & Nemajovsky, P.C. Attorneys at Law

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Phillips & Nemajovsky, P.C. Attorneys at Law

Gang Activity Law

Gang Activity LawAlthough many people may not realize it, the State of Georgia has many laws regulating gang activity. These laws are relatively new and summarized in O.C.G.A. §16-15-4. Phillips & Nemajovsky, P.C. Attorneys at Law’s gang crimes defense attorneys in Albany, GA, have years of experience with cases that intersect with these laws.

Overviewing Georgia Gang Activity Law

The State of Georgia defines criminal gang activity as essentially the solicitation, coercion, or intimidation of another to several activities, including aggravated sexual battery, facilitating children from escaping custody, criminal trespass, or criminal property damage.

These laws include vague clauses, namely “any criminal offense in the State of Georgia, or in the United States that involves violence or possession or use of a weapon” in defining exactly what criminal gang activity is. Since these standards are potentially confusing or unclear, it is wise to strongly consider partnering with a gang activity lawyer if you are in a situation that can be considered as such. Doing so will ensure you have the highest chance of success with your case.

Within this portion of the law are definitions of what is considered criminal street gang activity. The state defines criminal street gangs as any group of three or more individuals engaging in any of the abovementioned activities. This is commonly established by things such as a shared name the individuals use to identify their group, signs, symbols, markings (like graffiti), or clothing.

These laws also punish these groups when they attempt to prevent victims from communicating with the authorities, including the police, prosecuting attorneys, or judges, about their group. If you have experienced intimidation by a criminal gang, contacting a gang crime lawyer is one of the best things you can do, even if it does not seem like it at the time.

Our Process

Our gang enhancement lawyers have years of experience with gang-related cases. Since what constitutes a gang-related case can sometimes be complicated to determine, our lawyers are all the more mindful of delivering the best service possible at an especially stressful time. When you contact us, we:

Set Up Your Consultation

This is when we listen to your story. As we do, we note any and all pertinent information. This includes things like:

  • Your experience –
    • How you know the gang;
    • What exactly happened, if there is a single event that did that made you feel unsafe, physically harmed you, or saw damage to your property;
  • When exactly the incident took place;
  • The location of where the incident occurred;
  • Others involved, if anyone;
  • What information you have already shared with others.

Review Your Case

This is when we show you precisely where and how Georgia law intersects with your case. We also show any potential consequences that are on the table.

Take Action

Last but most important, we take action. This usually looks like assigning one of our street gangs attorneys to your case. We strive to see you receive justice, whether wrongfully accused of criminal gang activity or the victim, and feel as comfortable as possible throughout the duration of your case.

Be assured that we tailor our process to meet your exact needs and comfort level. Everyone comes to the law with varying levels of experience and knowledge. You deserve to know what is going on with your life the entire journey and not be lost because of the legal jargon.

Phillips & Nemajovsky, P.C. Attorneys at Law

Call For A Consultation
(229) 808-8180

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