Phillips & Nemajovsky, P.C. Attorneys at Law

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Phillips & Nemajovsky, P.C. Attorneys at Law

Albany Drug Defense Attorneys On Your Side

Albany Drug Defense Attorneys On Your SideFacing drug crime allegations can be overwhelming and intimidating. If you’ve been accused of a drug crime, it can be difficult to know where to turn to seek help.

At Phillips & Nemajovsky, P.C., Attorneys at Law, we have extensive experience working with criminal defense cases, including drug offenses. Our drug defense attorneys, located in Albany, GA, are qualified to assist you if you’re being charged with a drug crime.

Our skilled drug offense lawyers know the next steps to take to further your case, and we can help you understand what to expect throughout the process. Hiring an experienced drug possession lawyer will give you the best chance of decreasing the potential penalties, or even having charges dismissed.

What Are The Consequences Of Drug Offenses?

The punishments for a drug offense vary based on numerous factors. For instance, if you’re a first-time offender, you may receive lighter penalties than someone who has a record of drug offenses or other crimes.

Each state may impose different consequences, and the crime will be treated differently if it is classified as a felony versus a misdemeanor. A misdemeanor is generally a more minor crime that carries lower fines or prison sentences. A felony is usually considered a more serious crime, and harsher punishments usually apply.

In Georgia, most drug-related crimes are charged as felonies. Exceptions include drug paraphernalia charges and possession of low amounts of marijuana (under one ounce), which are considered misdemeanors.

An additional component that can impact your sentence includes the type of drug. Certain drugs are considered more harmful and addictive than others, and may carry different consequences. The amount of the drug also affects the outcome, as well as whether the charges are for possession only or intent to distribute.

For example, If you are caught with less than one ounce of marijuana, the penalties may include a fine of $1,000 and a year or less in prison. However, possession of over one ounce could mean much heftier fines and imprisonment of up to 10 years. If you are charged with trafficking, or intent to distribute, you could face 30 years or more in prison, depending on the circumstances.

With so many possible consequences, it is imperative to work with an experienced drug offense lawyer who knows what to expect and what to do. A drug crime attorney can protect your rights, inform you of your options, and lower the charges against you wherever possible.

More Information

Our Drug Crimes Law Firm Is Ready To Defend Your Case

Drug charges are no joke. Even a seemingly minor offense could land you in prison and give you a permanent criminal record. Don’t take the risk of trying to defend your case without legal assistance. If you’re facing drug charges, reach out to the drug defense attorneys at Phillips & Nemajovsky for professional guidance on your case.

For more information about drug offenses, or to speak with someone about your case, call our office in Albany today at (229) 808-8180. We can help you schedule an initial consultation to connect you with one of our knowledgeable drug possession lawyers.

Phillips & Nemajovsky, P.C. Attorneys at Law

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(229) 808-8180

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