Phillips & Nemajovsky, P.C. Attorneys at Law

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Phillips & Nemajovsky, P.C. Attorneys at Law

Auto Accident Lawyers Help Thomasville Injury Victims Claim Compensation

Have you been injured in a car, truck or motorcycle accident in the City of Roses? Call Thomasville auto accident injury lawyers Phillips & Nemajovsky, P.C. Attorneys at Law.

Car accidents are terrifying. A burst of adrenaline, sudden shocks, loud noises, the first thing you should worry about is your safety and those around you, not how much it will cost you. The unfortunate reality for too many folks in Thomasville, though, is that an auto accident can quickly derail your finances and even force you into substantial medical debt in the case of severe injuries. 

Fortunately, Georgia law allows many accident victims to get those bills and the rest of their costs and losses paid for by the ones responsible for the accident. This is done by filing a personal injury claim against the driver who caused the car, truck, or motorcycle accident, or rather, against their insurance, with the help of skilled auto accident injury lawyers. 

In Thomasville, Thomas County, and the rest of southern Georgia, injured accident victims can count on tireless and skilled representation from Mark Phillips and Alex Nemajovsky. These personal injury lawyers have decades of experience holding insurance companies accountable and ensuring auto accident victims are able to obtain the compensation they need. 

Which Auto Accident Injury Victims In Thomasville Can Claim Compensation?

If you got drunk at the wheel and sideswiped a car with your truck before slamming into some of Thomasville’s prize rosebushes, you don’t need an auto accident claim attorney; you need a DUI defense lawyer. But if you were the one sideswiped and forced off the road and into a tree, you have grounds to file a personal injury claim. 

This is because auto accident claims require that you were not primarily responsible for the accident. So even if you happened not to see the other driver pull into your lane because you were glancing at the roses, you could still claim compensation since the other driver was clearly far more at fault. 

Actually obtaining that compensation is another story entirely, however, as the insurance companies that have to pay it are notoriously tight-fisted. They will use every excuse they can to pay less, which is why what you do right after the accident is so important. 

Call For A Consultation | (229) 808-8180

I Was Just In A Car Accident In Thomasville, What Do I Do?

Auto Accident Lawyers Help Thomasville Injury Victims Claim Compensation

Accidents are frightening, so it is important that you stay calm and safe. Nevertheless, it is also vital that you take as many of the following appropriate steps to ensure your right to compensation will not be reduced by a greedy insurance company. 

1. See To Your Safety And That Of Any Passengers

If you are able to get out of your car, do so and help any uninjured or endangered passengers. If you or they are injured, it might be best to stay where you are unless there is immediate danger. Roses grow back, limbs do not.

2. Call 911

Calling emergency services is crucial, not just to get help at the scene but so that the police can create a report and document the accident. This could be important for proving your version of events if the insurance company later objects.

3. Take Pictures And Gather Evidence

If it is safe to do so, and you are able to, gather evidence by taking pictures of the vehicles, the scene of the accident, and any injuries. If you cannot, try to convince someone at the scene to do so; this evidence could be important in proving fault or causation to the insurance company. Collect contact information from any willing witnesses at the scene; their testimony could be important if the case has to go to trial.

4. Get Medical Attention

In addition to speaking to the police, you should allow yourself to be examined by first responders and taken to the hospital if you have any injuries. Even if you do not think you have any injuries, it would be good to go see a doctor as soon as possible to have yourself examined, especially if you feel even the most minor or mild discomfort or pain. Injuries can be hidden by shock or get worse with time. Early medical records as close as possible to the time of the accident are important to creating a paper trail no insurance company can deny.

5. Exchange Insurance Information

Try to avoid heated interactions with the other driver, as tempers may be high; neither should you apologize to them or admit fault in any way. Simply exchange ID, insurance and contact information with them.

Do not, if possible, speak with any insurance company, even your own, before discussing your situation with an auto accident compensation lawyer, which brings us to step 6.

6. Call An Auto Accident Injury Claim Lawyer

Whether you are able to make it home or are stuck in the hospital, the sooner you reach out to a lawyer to begin preparing your injury claim, the more time they have to preserve evidence, give you key advice for interacting with everyone from doctors to insurance companies to protect your case and claim.

For accidents in Thomasville or anywhere in Southern Georgia, that means calling Phillips & Nemajovsky, P.C. Attorneys at Law 

Call For A Consultation | (229) 808-8180

Injured In An Accident In Thomasville? Call An Auto Injury Lawyer Near You

Auto Accident Lawyers Help Thomasville Injury Victims Claim Compensation

Phillips & Nemajovsky, P.C. Attorneys at Law | Auto accident injury lawyers ready to help Thomasville injury victims obtain fair compensation after a car, truck, or motorcycle crash.

If you, or someone you love, have just been injured in a car accident in Thomasville or anywhere else in southern Georgia, there is no time to lose.

Reach out to our office today to schedule a free consultation to discuss your claim for compensation.

Call (229) 808-8180 or contact one of our auto accident injury lawyers online to ensure your injury is paid for not by you or your family but by the persons responsible for your car, truck, or motorcycle crash.

Call For A Consultation | (229) 808-8180
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