Phillips & Nemajovsky, P.C. Attorneys at Law

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Phillips & Nemajovsky, P.C. Attorneys at Law

Experienced Georgia Personal Injury Lawyers Serving Auto Accident Victims In Cordele

Auto Accident Lawyer Cordele Georgia

Have you or a loved one been injured in an auto accident in Cordele? Georgia personal injury claim and lawsuit attorneys Phillips & Nemajovsky, P.C. Attorneys at Law can help!

Dramatic car crashes and other auto accidents are tragic and dramatic along US 41 and I-75, which bracket Cordele. But the truth is that most accidents in Crisp County are far more mundane than anything you might read about in the Dispatch. Injuries, like the accidents that cause them, range from the obvious and life-threatening to the harder-to-notice kind that sneak up on you days, weeks, or even months later.

In either case, you can quickly find the bill for auto accident injuries comes in steep. Unfortunately, the cost to your health and your wallet of a car accident injury is always more than you can reasonably afford. Luckily, if the accident was not your fault, you may not have to pay those costs on your own.

Personal injury lawyers like Georgia’s Mark Phillips have extensive experience helping auto accident injury victims claim financial compensation for their injuries. If you have been injured in a car accident, truck wreck, or even a motorcycle crash, and the accident was not your fault, you should call a lawyer right away before accepting anything from any insurance company.

Call For A Consultation | (229) 808-8180

Who Is Eligible For Compensation After A Cordele Auto Accident?

Auto Accident Lawyer Cordele Georgia

If a driver crashes during a race at the Crisp Motorsports Park, he would probably not need to file a personal injury claim. Hopefully, his insurance will foot the bill, with a worker's compensation claim to cover the rest.

If a spectator at the show gets drunk and decides to emulate the racecar drivers and slams into a tree on the way home, he would not be able to file either since the accident was his fault. On the other hand, if a woman had to swerve out of the way of the drunk diver and ended up in a ditch, she would have the right to get her costs paid for by him if the accident resulted in any injuries.

That is because personal injury claims can only be made if you were injured by someone else acting negligently or recklessly. Fortunately, you can get paid, even if you were partially to blame, as long as the accident was not primarily your fault. For example, if, in the case above, the woman had been driving slightly too fast, she might end up getting paid less because she had some of the blame, but she could still get paid most of her costs and losses with the help of a good auto accident injury lawyer.

What Can You Get Compensation For After An Auto Accident In Cordele?

Accidents of all kinds come with hefty costs that just seem to keep on piling up. The personal injury claim system exists to help cover those costs, as well as all the other harms and losses you have endured as a result of the injury.

What Medical Bills Can I Get Covered By Auto Accident Injury Compensation?

Even if you do have medical insurance to cover the costs of hospitalization, surgery, and doctor’s consultations, which often go hand in hand with any auto accident injury, your insurance might not be enough, as these costs can be devastating, especially for severe or catastrophic injuries.

All of the medical bills and costs connected to your injury can and should be included in your personal injury claim. This means that

  • Ambulance fees,
  • Surgeries,
  • Specialist consultations,
  • Diagnostic tests,
  • Medication,
  • Physical therapy,
  • Home nursing care,
  • And more,

Can all be added to the value of your claim after an auto accident.

You can even get doctors to work on a lien, agreeing to be paid if and when you get paid by the insurance company from which you are claiming compensation. This means that medical care can be available even when you do not have the means to pay for it.

A local Georgia personal injury attorney like Mike Phillips can help you figure out which doctors to reach out to in Cordele or outside of Crisp County to get the medical care and answers you need, even before you file the claim for compensation.

Medical Bills Are Only The Most Obvious Costs Aften An Auto Accident Injury

While hospital bills are piling up, they often arrive even as your income is drying up. Many car and truck accident injuries can leave you unable to work for months, years, or even the rest of your life. This temporary or permanent disability often results in lost wages, which are also one of the things you can claim compensation for.

In fact, any other costs, losses, or harms from the injury you suffered in that auto accident can be claimed. This is why it is so important to work with an experienced attorney and not just take the first number an insurance agent offers, no matter how generous it might seem.

This is because insurance companies want to keep their cost down and profits up, so they will offer what seems like a lot to you before you have added up all the costs because they know most folks in Cordele won't understand enough about the law to realize they are being cheated.

Make sure you consult with a personal injury lawyer before accepting any settlement offer to make sure it includes the full range of losses and damages, even the intangible ones.

Call For A Consultation | (229) 808-8180

Who Pays For Your Pain After A Cordele Auto Accident?

Auto Accident Lawyer Cordele Georgia

A rogue truck can take so much more away from you than a few months of injury and recovery. Many auto accidents come with long-term complications and limitations that can negatively impact your life in any number of ways.

If, because of your injury, you are unable to do something you love, from singing in church to spitting seeds at the Watermelon Days Festival, that too is a harm caused by the auto accident. If you have to live in pain for months, years, or the rest of your life, that is a cost just as real as traumatic PTSD and the costs of a psychologist to help you overcome it.

These costs need to be paid for as well and deserve to be compensated if the accident was not your fault. These are the kinds of things only an experienced personal injury lawyer will be able to help you identify and get compensation for.

Injured In An Auto, Truck, Or Motorcycle Accident In Codele? Call An Injury Compensation Lawyer Near You!

Phillips & Nemajovsky, P.C. Attorneys at Law | Serving auto accident injury victims throughout the south of Georgia, including Cordele and Crisp County.

If you or a loved one has been injured in an auto accident, you have to act fast. Whether the car or truck accident happened on I-75, US Route 41, or any other roadway in Cordele is not important. What is important is that the full cost of the injuries on you or your loved one is paid for by those who caused them.

The sooner you reach out to Mark Phillips by calling (229) 808-8180, the sooner our team can work on your claim and make sure you get the full compensation you are entitled to.

Call For A Consultation | (229) 808-8180
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