Phillips & Nemajovsky, P.C. Attorneys at Law

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(229) 808-8180

Phillips & Nemajovsky, P.C. Attorneys at Law

Your Result-Driven Cairo, GA Auto Accident Law Firm

Your Result-Driven Cairo, GA Auto Accident Law Firm

Have you been injured in an auto accident? Don’t just settle, let Phillips & Nemajovsky, P.C. Attorneys at Law help.

Auto accidents make up the most common types of claims but are still hardly understood, largely because of how complex and the many moving parts involved. Unlike personal injuries, auto accidents also include loss of property, and there are a myriad of laws that must be followed.

Navigate the intricate world of auto accidents alone, even though it could end up in a payout that almost always injures your case, and the payout will be far lower than what you actually deserve.

This is why you should always work with a competent and aggressive auto accident lawyer who will help push for your interest and full compensation. Working with a qualified and experienced during an auto accident lawsuit also allows you to focus on recovering and keeping up with your doctor’s appointments, which further bolsters your case.

Phillips & Nemajovsky, P.C. Attorneys at Law is a firm with vast experience in handling auto accident claims. We take center stage in your claim, helping you with various aspects of the case, such as:

  • Investigating the accident and the accident scene
  • Reviewing evidence such as police reports, witness statements and medical records
  • Strategizing and building a strong case for your claim
  • Negotiating with other parties and insurance companies for settlement

Efficient communication is crucial during the claims process, which is why we ensure we keep you updated and maintain open communication lines incase you have any questions for us. . We understand the emotional toll such an event might have on you, and we believe we can help make the claim flow more smoothly.

Call For A Consultation | (229) 808-8180

What Are Your Rights As An Injured Victim?

Your Result-Driven Cairo, GA Auto Accident Law Firm

Understanding your rights as the victim forms the basis of your claim. Under the law in Cairo, GA, it is mandatory for drivers to maintain active insurance for their cars. When you are involved in an auto accident, the insurance company should cover your medical expenses, among other costs, such as lost wages where applicable.

Typically, insurance companies will try to make you a lowball settlement offer. You are completely within your rights to reject the offer to opt to file a personal injury lawsuit with the help of an auto accident lawyer. This will help you seek compensation for your medical care, pain, suffering, lost pay and other damages.

The settlement should also cover future medical expenses. You should also know that it is your right to consult and work with an attorney. In many cases, insurance companies may try to get you to bite on a settlement before you come to this realization. However, should you take the settlement, it keeps you from bringing up the issue again if you discover you were shortchanged.

Call For A Consultation | (229) 808-8180

How To Determine Fault In An Auto Accident

Your Result-Driven Cairo, GA Auto Accident Law Firm

The law in Cairo, GA, applies modified comparative negligence to determine who is at fault in an auto accident. Basically, that means you may still be entitled to compensation even if you were partly responsible for the accident. However, your liability cannot exceed 50% and will be reduced by the percentage of fault that is apportioned to you.

Determining fault is important because you will not be able to take any legal action before ensuring you were not wrong. This can be done using several methods:

  • Eye-witness accounts:
    Eye-witness accounts are vital when determining fault. If anyone saw what happened, ask them to remain and give a police statement or note down their contact details. Their unbiased account can help to solidify your claim.
  • Photos and videos:
    If no one was around at the time of the accident, you can use photos and videos to make your case. Evidence such as skid marks and vehicle positioning can shed light on what and who caused the accident.
  • A police report:
    A police report might also contain information that will help determine who was at fault for the accident.

If you work with an auto accident attorney, you won’t have to worry about determining who is at fault. It is the duty of the attorney, and they have the experience to know where to look. The only requirement from your insurance and your attorney would advise you the same as well is to avoid admitting fault.

You should not admit fault to the police or anyone else at the scene. Remember that what you say here might be used against you later.  

Our Fight, Your Victory!
Let us help you get the compensation you deserve to make your recovery easier.

If you’re tired of trying to reach out to the insurance company without any response, or you just got a frustrating lowball offer, it’s time to bring out the big guns. Phillips & Nemajovsky, P.C. Attorneys at Law have expansive experience working with insurance companies in Cairo, GA, and we can help you with your auto insurance claim.

All you have to do is give us a call today at (229) 808-8180 and let us get you started with a consultation to look over the facts of your case and start working towards a settlement.

Call For A Consultation | (229) 808-8180
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